Student Planning and Course Registration Forms
This page is designed to help students and parents navigate courses at Hillsboro High School. On this page you will find a 4-year planning sheet, course registration forms for each grade level, and other helpful resources.
Students and parents are encouraged to reach out to Mrs. Kenny, the HHS School Counselor with questions or concerns regarding courses, credits, and graduation requirements. Mrs. Kenny can be reached by calling the high school office 217-532-2841 or emailing her at kkenny@hillsboroschools.net.
Please use this sheet to help you map out your years in high school.
Senior Course Registration Form: This form is for those students who will be a senior in the next academic year to complete.
Senior Course Registration Form 2025-2026
Junior Course Registration Form: This form is for those students who will be a junior in the next academic year to complete.
Junior Course Registration Form 2025-2026
Sophomore Course Registration Form: This form is for those students who will be a sophomore in the next academic year to complete.
Sophomore Course Registration Form 2025-2026
Freshman Course Registration Form: This form is for those students who will be a freshman in the next academic year to complete.