• Lincoln Land Community College - College Now Program


    Hillsboro High School partners with Lincoln Land Community College to help students start building college credit in high school.  The College Now program is a great opportunity for students to gain high school and college credit as the program is considered dual credit.  The biggest difference between a traditional dual credit class and College Now, is that students normally leave the HHS campus and attend college classes in person at the Litchfield LLCC campus.  The College Now program is a comfortable way for students to slowly start transitioning into college life.


    The College Now program is geared toward juniors and seniors who are on track to graduate.  Please understand that the College Now program classes do NOT count toward graduation requirements at HHS.


    The information below will help give students and parents/guardians more detailed information about the College Now program.  Students and parents/guardians are highly encouraged to contact Mrs. Kenny if they are interested in adding the College Now program into a future schedule.


    LLCC-College Now Course Offerings for Fall 2025/Spring 2026-Please note: times are subject to change!


    LLCC College Now Handout


    Lincoln Land Community College Website

Last Modified on January 16, 2025