Phone: 217-532-2841
Degrees and Certifications:
•B.S. Mathematics at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale•M.S. Secondary Education at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Mrs. Sara Wilson
Hi! My name is Sara Wilson. I have been teaching mathematics in Hillsboro since 1991. I teach Algebra 2 , Transitional Math 4, and Geometry this year. You may contact me by e-mail using the link under my picture or call the high school at (217) 532-2841. Please don't hesitate to e-mail or call with any questions or concerns. Remember you can check grades on Skyward using family access. Call the office if you need the login and password. You can also see homework assigments on Schoology.
To login to Schoology visit http://hillsboroil.schoology.com/
Last Modified on November 14, 2024