CNB Bank & Trust of Hillsboro
2024 Student of the Month Award Winners
Each Month: November – April ($50/gift card)
Student of the Year ($500 scholarship)
The Student of the Month Program is sponsored by CNB Bank & Trust of Hillsboro. Its purpose is to recognize outstanding senior students in a variety of areas of the Hillsboro School District. Six individuals will be chosen during the school year to be student of the month from November to April and will receive $50 gift card. At the end of the selection process, all applications received throughout the year will be considered for a $500.00 scholarship to the college or trade school of the winner’s choice.
Selection for the Student of the Month will be based on a “point system” by the Student of the Month Committee. Points are to be based on the following (max points per category):
A. Class Rank (45 pts)B. Judge’s Opinion (20 pts)C. Student Government (10 pts)D. Community Service (10 pts)E. Sports (8 pts)F. Music, Arts, Theatre (8 pts)G. Work (5 pts)H. Clubs (5 pts)NOVEMBER STUDENT OF THE MONTHCHLOE MARTINCICParents: Nathan and Shelby MartincicDECEMBER STUDENT OF THE MONTHJESSE BALLAParents: Michelle Balla and Danny BallaJANUARY STUDENT OF THE MONTHANNABELLE WRIGHTParents: John and Kendra Wright