

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Corey Parks

My name is Corey Parks. I am from Alton, Illinois (born and raised) and graduated from Alton High School in 2013. I received my Associates in Science from Lewis and Clark Community College in 2015. I graduated from SIUE with my BA in English and have been teaching at HHS since 2022. 

I moved to Litchfield in 2022 to be more local.

I teach English I and English II, and I am particularly looking forward to meeting the incoming freshmen class! Additionally, I will be teaching Hiltop for the first time this year.


- Phone: 217-532-2841

- Email:


1st hour: Conference

2nd hour: English II

3rd hour: English II

4th hour: Hiltop

5th hour: English I

6th hour: English II

7th hour: English II

Last Modified on November 14, 2024