2024-2025 Scholarship Information
Scholarships are a great way to help pay for college. Scholarship applications take time and dedication to complete, but are worth the effort. Use this page to search for and complete scholarship applications.The counseling office receives various scholarship offerings by mail/email each year. Scholarships on the website will be posted as they are received. The student will need to make the decision on what scholarships they would like to complete. Many of these scholarships are offered nationally or statewide. Students should NEVER have to pay for these services. This website will also provide students access to local scholarships. Many of these scholarships are repeated annually, with similar deadline dates.Students are also encouraged to search for scholarships through the colleges they are applying to.Transcript Supplements are used to describe the school's academic and demographic backgrounds.Hillsboro Education Foundation Scholarship Applications Here: (Paper copies available in counseling office)
-1st Round (Chosen by the Donor) available starting: January 8th, 2025~ Return to the counseling office by: March 5th, 2025
-2nd Round (Chosen by the Foundation) available starting: February 5, 2025~ Return to counseling office by: April 2nd, 2025
Contact Mrs. Kenny (kkenny@hillsboroschools.net) OR Pam Dawson (pdawson@consolidated.net) with questions.
*2025 Hillsboro Educational Foundation List of Scholarships
*2025 Hillsboro Educational Foundation List of Scholarships by Category - Please note that some scholarships can be found in more than one category. You only need to fill out one.
*2025 Cover Sheet For Scholarship Applications - *Click this link and print. MUST BE ATTACHED TO ALL APPLICATIONS*
- Anita and John Rundquest Family
- Bank of Hillsboro
- Bonnie Ireland Memorial
- Camden's Crew Academic Scholarship
- Conrad and Betty Dawson Memorial Scholarship
- Dale Stretch Memorial
- Dusty Cameron Memorial
- Erik Paul Westerman Memorial
- James and Cecilia Hayes Memorial Scholarship
- Jerry and Sharon Parola Academic Scholarship
- Joan and Bernard Rappe Memorial
- Justison Foundation Scholarship
- Kenneth Gene White Memorial Scholarship
- Kiefer Brothers Memorial Scholarship
- LaMoine Reeves Memorial Teacher Education
- Nellie Mackey Teacher Education Memorial
- Precise Specialties Corporation
- Rik and Shelby Denicke
- Sertoma
- The Bai/Lynn Keepper Memorial Scholarship
- Williams Charles Schluckebier
2nd Round Scholarships:(Paper copies available in counseling office)
- Betty and Ida Baumann Nursing
- Chervenak Memorial
- Dkupabai Mekala Memorial
- Donna Springer Memorial
- Dr. Staci Garvin Memorial Scholarship
- Edward A. Goyak Memorial
- Ellen McGurty Memorial Nursing
- H.E. "Woody" and Catherine Woodruff Memorial
- Harold and Marilyn Sitton Memorial Scholarship
- Harold S. Sitton Vocational Memorial Scholarship
- Hillsboro Educational Foundation Scholarships
- Jacquiline and Mel Heslov
- Jan Young Memorial Scholarship
- Lavina Whitlock Bertram Memorial
- Leanne R. Harpole Teacher Education
- Leona and Louis Huber Memorial
- Mary Ann Bernardini Pretnar Memorial
- Miranda Singler Memorial
- Mormino Foundation
- Pamela Knostman Haisty Memorial Scholarship
- Robert E. Shankland Memorial Scholarship
- Robert Zimmerman Memorial
- Rose Mormino Memorial Teacher Education
- St. Luke's Acadmeic Scholarship
List of area and other Scholarships:
Hillsboro Health-The Mae Seward Sorrells Nursing Scholarship: Deadline 4/14/25
Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln: Applications are all online and due by 3/1/25
- List of scholarships available for Montgomery County students
- American Legion Post 32 Scholarship
- John and Judy Woodruff Performing Arts Scholarship
- Sgt. John R. Dalhaus Memorial Vocational Scholarship
Township Officials of Illinois Scholarship: Deadline 3/1/25
Southwestern Electric Cooperative: Applicant/or parents must be an active Southwestern member. Deadline 3/15/25
Country Companies: $2,000-Deadline is 3/1/25
Sgt. John R. Dalhaus Memorial Vocational Scholarship: Will be posted on 1/1/25 to 3/1/25 : For current SCI students, who are vocational studies only.
3-M Firefighters' Association Scholarship: Deadline 3/15/25: For those pursuing studies in the Fire Service, EMT or Paramedic Fields
Verna Ross Orndorff Scholarship-Illinois State Historical Society: submit by 1/31 of every year
* Illinois State Historical Society website
Selma J. Hartke Community Foundation Scholarship: Post marked by 2/21/25
CBAI- Foundation for Community Banking Annual Scholarship-Turn in to Counseling Office by 2/17/25
Illinois Agricultural Education & FFA
Bob Price Memorial Scholarship
Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association Scholarship
Montgomery County Farm Bureau Scholarship
Illinois Masonic Scottish Rite Scholarship
The IAA Foundation Scholarship
Mike Rowe Work Ethic Scholarships
**STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO MAIL, ELECTRONICALLY SUBMIT OR PHYSICALLY DELIVER THEIR APPLICATIONS. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO INSTRUCTIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS FOR EACH SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION.**Lincoln Land Community CollegeIf you are attending LLCC in the 2024-2025 academic year, you are encouraged to complete the Foundation Scholarship application. It is one application that opens the doors for multiple scholarship opportunities through Lincoln Land Community College. Contact Mrs. Kenny with any questions or if you need assistance.Federal Student Aid Scholarship Resources