Phone: 217-532-3742
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Jamie Harrison
Welcome to the 6th grade page!
I have been teaching science at HJHS since 2005.
I am from Vandalia, IL and moved here
to Hillsboro with my husband in 2020. We enjoy cycling, kayaking, and
traveling to new and interesting places to do those things.
I have a Master's degree
in teaching from Greenville College, and am
very excited to be teaching 6th grade Science.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions,
comments, or concerns this year.
Every other year we offer a STEM trip,
and the next one is in Boston in June of 2024,
please contact me with any questions.
This page is for you!
It holds links to some very helpful web pages.
Many links have great hints for homework help,
up-to date information in the
world of science, and other fun science activities.
You will find very useful links on the left side of
this page under "Helpful Resources."
Mrs. Harrison

Last Modified on December 4, 2023