• About First Steps

    First Steps is an Illinois State Board of Education grant funded program serving families with 0-3 year olds, awarded to Hillsboro District #3 since 1993.  Our highly qualified education staff provide interactive parent-child activities, age appropriate child development information, parent and child library resources, connections to community support agencies, and one-on-one parent consultation, both in the home and at our center-based resource room.


    Our Mission

    It is the mission of the First Steps Program to support parents as their child’s most important teacher, by providing them with:  realistic developmental expectations, opportunities to interact with other parents, a knowledge of what is available to them in their community, and reassurance as their child moves through the natural cognitive, social, and emotional stages of childhood. 


    Services Offered

    Parents may participate in a variety of levels of service.  This level of service will be determined by parent need and/or interest after a consultation with a Parent Resource Teacher.  Some parents may participate in all of the following activities, while only one or more may fit the needs of other families.

    • Center-Based Parent and Child Interactive Playgroups
    • Parenting Library Materials
    • Toy and Book Lending for Children
    • Newsletters and Monthly Child Development Information
    • Parent Workshops and Discussion Groups
    • Home Visits (Weekly or bi-weekly)
    • Teen Parenting Classes


Last Modified on December 14, 2023