While it is not possible for the District to completely eliminate the risks of exposure to allergens when students come to school, a cooperative effort among students’ families, staff members, and students helps the District reduce these risks and provide accommodations and proper treatment for allergic reactions.The District has procedures in place to:1. Identify students with allergies2. Work with the students, parents, and staff to put reasonable measures in place to preventexposure for students with allergies. These measures will differ depending on the type ofallergy, severity of allergy, age of student, and other factors.3. Train staff to recognize and respond to allergic reactionsThe District has also established the following general measures regarding nuts:1. The District does not knowingly serve any items in our elementary or junior high cafeteriasthat contain nuts.2. The District does not allow teachers to bring in snack items for students which contain nuts.The District does not monitor or limit the types of foods parents provide in home-packed school lunches,unless this is part of a plan developed for an individual student with the cooperation of a specific groupof classmates and their parents (a “peanut-free table” for example).
Last Modified on July 12, 2017