Instructions for Success
Changes to Teacher pc's.
- Request to get an app/extension pushed out.
Checking for correct printer preferences.
Change PDF default application.
Google Drive plug-in for Microsoft Office
This plug-in makes it easy to edit, email and share Office files stored in Google Drive.
Steps to enable Flash in Chrome
- Creating a Filter in Gmail for CTI Voicemails.
- 1. Click on the cog in the upper right corner of your email.
- 2. Click See all settings.
- 3. Click on Filters and Blocked Addresses.
- 4. Click Create a new filter.
- 5. In the From Line add the following: voicemail@mirtapbx.ctifiber.com
- 6. Click Create filter.
- 7. Check Never Send to Spam and Check Category and Choose Primary.
- 8. Finally Click Create Filter.
- From this point on all your voicemail should be in your primary folder in your email.
- For a video click here.
Last Modified on January 4, 2023