•      Your child’s regular attendance is extremely important for academic success. Most of what elementary students learn is from what they see and hear in class, interaction with peers in group settings, and with hands-on materials and technology in the classroom. Students who have poor attendance are at a serious academic disadvantage. Consistent absences and tardiness set life-long habits for poor work ethic later in life!

         Hillsboro District #3 Elementary Schools will be strictly enforcing the attendance policy outlined in your elementary student’s handbook. The following procedures will be followed for fairness and consistency in enforcing that policy.

    1.      Parents/guardians are responsible for making a phone call to the school each day their child is absent. If a child is absent and the school has not been contacted, the school will call the provided contact number. We must be able to verify the reason for absence or it will be considered unexcused.   The procedure also ensures that you are made aware that your child is not at school, in the event that you thought otherwise.

    2.      After the 7th cumulative absence, excused or unexcused, a letter will be sent home to review our attendance policy. 

    3.      After the 10th cumulative absence, excused or unexcused, a referral will be made to the Regional Office of Education’s Truancy Officer. The officer will discuss with you your child’s attendance pattern and the consequences of continued absentees. Illinois School Code requires that adults who have custody of children between the ages of 7 and 17 years of age have a responsibility to ensure that child attends school regularly.


    Our tardiness policy is also outlined in your student handbook. Students who are consistently late for school are at a significant disadvantage. After the 5th tardy, you will receive a letter from your child’s school reviewing the policy. After the 7th tardy, a referral will be made to Regional Office of Education Attendance Specialist. After the 10th tardy a referral will be made to ROE Truancy Officer. 




    Zach Frailey, Principal

Last Modified on August 5, 2019